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In celebration of HtN buddies Nathan and David Zellner’s much ballyhooed feature Sasquatch Sunset expanding to many more theaters this Friday, we wanted to do a throwback to their 2011 Sundance short film Sasquatch Birth Journal 2. The film is a 5 minute piece of comedy gold! Alas, no one knows what happened to Sasquatch Birth Journal 1 nor if the events depicted here were an inspiration for Sasquatch SunsetYou’ll just have to watch the short and then the feature and decide for yourself! Enjoy!

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Don R. Lewis is a filmmaker and writer from Northern California. He was a film critic for Film Threat before becoming Editor-in-Chief of Hammer to Nail in 2014. He holds a BA in screenwriting from California State Northridge and is an MA candidate in Cinema Studies at San Francisco State.

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